Monday night was our last "hurrah" with our friends Joe and Claire before they moved to New Jersey. We had Family Home Evening with them down in Provo. Hopefully they have made it to the East Coast by now... good luck, guys! On Wednesday we bought some flowers to put in our "flowerboxes". The flowerboxes are these old dresser drawers that someone left on the curb to throw away. We snatched them up, and Ryan decorated them to look cool. He's good at stuff like that.
I love my gardening gloves. I don't know why. I just do.
I took my first exam on Friday. I think it went alright. The next one is Monday. Then I have 2 presentations and a bunch of papers to write for Tuesday, and then I am done!
We got a big present for the baby on Friday. Grandma and Grandpa Lauver sent Sammy a Pack and Play! We put it together yesterday, and then I practiced taking it down and stuffing it back in the bag.
Psh. Ryan has never made ME a root beer float! :-) Love the flower boxes. And the pack-and-play, it's adorable!
You guys are totally growing up. I just remember us during our college days in Colorado and now a little one is almost coming! You guys are going to be great parents! Miss you guys!
Love the little Garden that is so creative, I love the baby bed, Its such a cute colour and you did an O for Owesome job of putting it together. Love the Pregnancy photos of you Kara you suit Pregnancy you really do glow. Go job with the Rootbeer floats I heard they were great, Glad to hear the Fish n Chips were awesome.
Love to you guys!
You guys are so cute by practicing with your pack and play. I love our pack and play! I also don't remember Ryan making me a root beer float :( . The flowers sound like a great idea, I bet it helps make the apartment more of a home.
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