19 February 2011

If you give a Sam a cookie...

Lately I've been trying to come up with new ways of entertaining Sam. There are only so many hours a toddler can spend playing in his room. One of our (my) favorite things to do together is bake. So far we've made banana bread and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I took some pictures of our pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for your viewing pleasure:
All the ingredients out on the table. The cereal is only out because I didn't put it away after breakfast.
Sam's favorite part of baking: eating the flour. I don't understand it, but trust me: don't get between the boy and a bowl of flour.
He is quite good at stirring. Just don't leave him unsupervised...
Waiting for cookies to go in the oven.
Sometimes, when Sam is afraid to try a new food he will pretend it is "hot". This is what he does to show us that his food is too hot. He also says "HA" and shakes to illustrate the point.
Once I convinced him that his cookie was not "HA", he enjoyed it. Check out little chocolate mouth!!

18 February 2011


Okay, so, in the whirlwind move I have neglected the blogosphere. I can hear you all crying, and let me tell you, I feel your pain.
What have we been up to?
I finished my NaNoWriMo novel. As in, finished, completed, entire story done. I even submitted it to the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest. I'll know by February 24th if I made it past the first cut, which was judged solely on a 300 word "pitch" of the novel. Also, I turned 24!
Ryan keeps working hard at becoming a seminary teacher. He had an important evaluation yesterday, and I am proud to say that he passed with flying colors! For Valentines' Day we took each other out to this burger place Ryan's been dying to try. It's called Guzzi's and it is AMAZING. If you make it to SLC, you absolutely must eat there.
Sammy is doing much better at playing with other kids. I still take him to playgroup at our old church so I can see my friends. He only clings to me for about a minute before running off to play with the other kids. He is getting sooo big!

We took Sam to the zoo a few weeks ago. It was pretty cold, so we just went to the kiddie part of the zoo. They have a playground. We tried to put Sam in an egg on the playground for a cute picture. He was pretty mad about it.
For a quarter, you can get some bird food to feed the ducks and geese. Sam loved throwing food to (at) the birds.
At the zoo here they let turkeys and peacocks run around free. Which means they're practically begging for kids to run after the birds...

A good time was had by all (except the peacock).