30 July 2010

Taco Neck

When you eat a taco, which way do you tilt your head? I always tilt to the left. I tried tilting my head to the right at dinner tonight while eating tacos, and it just felt weird.
Which way do you tilt your "taco neck"?

In other news...
Today has been a disappointing day for The Reynolds Tribe. First off, I had another bout of insomnia last night and didn't fall asleep until 3am. Sam had a bad night too, and kept waking up, meaning we all got less sleep. Ryan and I were both grouchy from less sleep, and had a fight. We found out that we can't move into the apartment we want to, even though our friends want to switch with us. I didn't get the job at ARUP. Sam has been cranky all day, probably because he didn't sleep well. I have a migraine.
But we've had good things happen too! Dr. Pfitzner said that Sam's head growth is normal and didn't charge us for the appointment. The library had 5 of the books I wanted, and both Knuffle Bunny books for Sam. Ryan and I made up (and he made a cute "I love you" sign colored like a giraffe!) We had tacos for dinner (yum!) I got to give a tour of our apartment to an engaged couple who is moving in to the Village soon, and they were really nice. I ate a bunch of chocolate chips. Sam went to bed without a fuss right at his bedtime. Season 1 of Lie to Me is on Netflix Instant Play.
Overall I think I will put this on the good day list.

28 July 2010

Family Pictures part 2

We got our next set of family pictures! Katie Boyack took us to Wheeler Farms for our "photo shoot". There are lots of wooded trails to walk, and plenty of scenic places to take pictures. For this set, we were going for a relaxed, down-home kind of feel. We brought Ryan's cowboy hat and our trusty ukulele. Katie got so many cute pictures of Sam playing with the uke. Not an easy thing to do! If you need a photographer in the Salt Lake Valley area, check out Katie's photography site! We are so lucky to have photographer friends.
Ukulele lesson
Our cute little cowboy!
This picture just about sums up our relationship :0)

Baseball... Cold showers

Utah doesn't have a major league baseball team, but it is home to the triple-A affiliate team of the LA Angels. The Salt Lake Bees stadium is not too far away from where we live. We had a lot of fun going to games before Sam was born, but haven't taken him out yet. Our friends the Broadheads have season tickets, and they gave 2 tickets to us so we could take Sam to a game! We chose to watch a game against the triple-A affiliate of the Colorado Rockies (woot woot!). Season tickets are right by home plate, so we had a great view. Ryan brought his glove to protect us from foul balls. It rained off and on while we were there, which got our clothes wet but couldn't dampen our spirits. The game started at 7pm, which is when Sam goes to bed. We only made it through 4 innings, but we had a great time!
Eating snacks
Trying to stay dry

25 July 2010

Family Pictures part 1

Our family has had their picture taken not once but TWICE this past week. We asked my good friend Katie Boyack to take our anniversary pictures for us. Shortly after that, our friends the Loudons asked to take pictures of us before they move next week. We were happy to oblige. With their move coming up, the Loudons made sure to get our photos back to us ASAP, and I have a few favorites to show you here! If you are in the Memphis, TN area and need a photographer, be sure to check them out!
Ryan wanted to go for a 1920s, urban feel. I think the Loudons picked out the perfect spot!
I don't remember posing for this picture- candid shots are fantastic!
I love my Sammy!
Best buds clowning around!

Sam is so excited to walk by himself.
I think this captures Sam's soul- a little mischevious, but overall the sweetest thing ever!

24 July 2010

Happy Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day is a Utah thing. The holiday celebrates the arrival of the Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley. This is our third Pioneer Day in Utah, but actually the only one we've been physically in Utah for. Some of our friends had Friday off. Ryan, sadly, did not get any time off work. I don't have a job, so I couldn't expect any benefits from Pioneer Day (besides FIREWORKS!).
And then I got called for Jury Duty.
My week of being on-call for JD starts Monday. However, the courts have Monday off as part of the extended Pioneer Day holiday, so I have one less day of waiting around! Hurrah!

In other very exciting news...
Sam has started walking! He's only been doing it for about a week, and he thinks it's about the coolest thing ever. He holds his hands up by his shoulders and does his "I'm excited!" hyperventilating thing while taking tiny steps. Stinkin' adorable. Oh man. I love this kid.
Ryan and I had our 2 year anniversary on the 17th. That was a Saturday, so we had just enough time to go out to lunch as a family before Ryan had to go to sleep before work. Then a few days later Elisa watched Sam for us so we could go out on a REAL DATE. I honestly can't remember the last time Ryan and I went out alone to do something fun. We ate dinner at a restaurant without having to constantly entertain anyone (ie Sam) and then saw Despicable Me. It was fantastic.

12 July 2010


There are things in our apartment that are, quite frankly, gross. I was mentally listing them off this morning, and it made me laugh. If you like to be amused and slightly shocked, read on.

1. Sam's high chair: Ryan broke it a few months after we bought it, so it needs replaced. After Sam grows out of it, that thing is gone. As a result, I'm not as anal about cleaning it. There are crumbs in the crevasses, and dried food on the legs from Sam flinging food.
2. Sam's Snugaphant: Snugaphant is Sam's stuffed elephant. He snuggles it hardcore at night, and really likes to take his binkie out so he can chew on the tail. This thing has a rattle in it, so you can't wash it. I do try to wipe the grime off with baby wipes, but Sam-saliva is apparently unconquerable. I would get him a new Snugaphant, but first I have to ask my grandma and grandpa Huelin where they bought it. Hopefully not some obscure East Coast store.
3. Our bathroom: Hasn't been cleaned in a while. Will be rectifying that tonight. Sorry.
4. The plastic bags under our sink: There are probably close to 100. Our next-door neighbor wants to take them from us because they use them at her work, but for some reason I have not yet packed them up for her. I have no idea what the hold-up is. I want them gone.
5. The kitchen trash can: Always has poopy diapers in it. Need I say more?

Home, gross home.
Sam and Snugaphant. Fortunately, the tail is not in Sam's mouth.

04 July 2010

Happy 4th of July!

I love Independence Day because people choose to celebrate with FIREWORKS! which may be one of my top 5 favorite things in the world. Actually, let's make that list now:
1. Brownies
2. Roller-coasters
3. Fireworks
4. Baseball
5. Reading a book

See, fireworks DID make the list! And obviously this is a list that excludes people. It's more of a "material" or "worldly" top 5.
I digress...
Last night Sam and I met up with Elisa and Heidi to watch fireworks in Sugarhouse Park. Now, this is only the 2nd fireworks show I've been to in Utah, but I must say that Utahns do fireworks right! It was an amazing show. Sam, who thrives on new experiences, was not fazed at all by the fireworks. In fact, on Sam's top 5 list:
1. Lights
2. His "Snugaphant" stuffed animal
3. Binkies
4. Opening cupboards
5. Hissing

You can see that Lights are his favorite thing. Fireworks are big, exciting, loud lights. Sam and I laid down and looked up at the big lights. They held his attention for a few minutes, then he would wiggle around and try to climb on Elisa, then he would watch again. It was an exciting night for the little guy. I missed watching fireworks with Ryan, however. We have watched fireworks together 3 of the past 4 Independence Days. Poor Ryan, slaving away at the hospital so we can buy toys and oatmeal. I got a second fireworks show tonight. Our apartment complex is up the mountain from the rest of Salt Lake, so I could see several shows going on tonight. I don't know why, but I can't resist fireworks!
Last Thursday I took Sam to "Book Baby" at our local library. They read books, sing songs, and dance! I think I'll keep taking Sam, he needs to learn how to socialize without grabbing faces.
Back in May, I applied for a genetic counseling position here in Salt Lake City. As mentioned earlier, Ryan and I felt strongly about staying in SLC for a little while longer, so I turned down a position in Pennsylvania. We were pretty excited about this opportunity in SLC. I had a phone interview with HR, with the next step being an in-person interview with all the people involved with genetics in the company. A few weeks had gone by since the phone interview, so I called to check in and was told it would take a few more weeks. So after letting a few more weeks pass, I called again. The HR guy told me that I had not been selected for an in-person interview. I was crushed. It's one thing to not be selected for a job because you aren't the right person, but to not even get a chance? That was a new experience for me. Ryan and I were both very disappointed, and fairly concerned about our little family's financial future. After all, toys and oatmeal are expensive.
About a week after this let-down, I got a call from a woman who works in the office with the genetic counselors. She was calling to schedule my in-person interview! I was very confused, and timidly told her that I was informed by HR that I was not going to have an in-person interview. She was very upset and told me categorically that I was being considered all along for the position, especially being local and everything. I even got an e-mail from one of the GCs apologizing for the mistake! What a welcome surprise! I am interviewing over this Thursday and Friday, and have the opportunity to present my research as part of the interview process. That means giving my defense again. I am looking forward to it. After all, I think our research is pretty cool. Ryan and I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers this week. This job would be pretty ideal for us.
This is the first Sunday I haven't made brownies since the Sunday before Memorial Day. Weird.